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Link Farming – Just Say No!

4. June 2009

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It wasn’t too long ago when one of the acceptable practices in the world of search engine optimization to gain a rankings boost was to setup multiple domains and engage in linking back to the content on the primary domain. Known as link farming (a black hat practice), it was a way to easily cultivate rankings – at least until the search engines got wise about it and started penalizing the practice. Today, link farming is a practice best left in the past – you might get away with it for a while, but eventually the search engines catch on and penalize you for it.

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Page-Level Ranking Penalties on the Rise from Google?

31. March 2009

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It can be frustrating trying to track down why suddenly a page (or even an entire site) that ranked well falls in the rankings or worse yet drops off Google’s radar completely. Is it because a competitor has done a better job, because Google changed their search algorithm yet again, or because you have been given a penalty by Google? Lately it seems the answer to this question has all too often been the third choice – and today I’m here to talk a little bit about what we are seeing and how as an SEO professional you can be prepared and try and take action before it hits.

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Google Japan Punished by Using Pay Per Post Practices

12. February 2009

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Hello Fellows, Recently Google Japan launched a new home page where it was promoting a list with the most searched terms typed on its search engine. It´s a kind of "HotWords" also found on Twitter. Accordantly with TechCrunch, that new service has been already available to include in the iGoogle page of any user. The big trouble arose when Google Japan decided hire an online marketing company, Cyberbuzz, to promote that new tool, already available as a widget to webmasters, through pay-per-posts.

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SEO Insight: Can Bad Links Hurt My Rankings?

23. December 2008

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So you’ve worked hard to get your site SEO optimized with quality content that should score you big points in the rankings; or maybe you have signed on a new client who wants you to help them get recognized better out there in the search world by contracting your SEO services. Whatever the case you will probably find in your SEO analysis that a number of “bad sites” are linking to you and the question on your mind is, “How is this going to affect my ranking?”

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Shady SEO Tricks Can Have Lasting Consequences

11. December 2008

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We all know about skeletons in the closet that can pop out years later and have potentially destructive consequences on one’s career. What’s true in real life is also true on the SEO front – if you aren’t careful when taking on new projects and clients you can have a lot of their “skeletons” falling out of virtual closet with you left to try and stuff them all back in. Ask yourself this: When a new client or project comes along how well do you research what has been done marketing and SEO-wize before you came along? Many of us leave ourselves wide open to walk into sites and work with clients whose shady search engine optimization practices of the past are haunting them – and you are left to take the blame!

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