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Twitter Back Link Building

11. August 2009

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When people think of back links, they rarely give Twitter a second thought. They realize Twitter is a helpful social networking tool but they do not consider all it can do for them as far as back linking. Take a moment to see ways you can build back links with Twitter.

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5 Important Skills Needed for SEO

26. June 2009

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When you think about search engine optimization, you likely think it’s all about keywords, back links, and generating more traffic for a website. Take a minute to think about the other side of SEO. Think about what type of person is the best candidate to be a search engine optimization professional. There are certain personal skills that make someone naturally equipped to offer SEO services.

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Search Marketing Jobs: Getting Them and Keeping Them

8. May 2009

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The worldwide economy is starting to show signs of a thaw – and most SEO professionals admit that even during the “big chill” the past two quarters work for skilled search marketing professionals has been pretty steady. This is one area where the need is growing, despite the bad economy. With that in mind we are going to review some helpful tips for not only landing that search marketing job of your dreams, but also tips on how to keep it (and keep the client happy!)

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SEO Content Optimization – Designing Your Layout

20. January 2009

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I’m sure you know of someone, or seen pictures of people, who live in absolutely beautiful houses on the inside. We’re talking about marble floors, well-decorated rooms and spacious appointments throughout the house. Then you walk outside and it looks like a train wreck. Overgrown grass, lack of landscaping and paint on the house that is 20 years old. The type of house you’d drive right past without giving a second thought if you didn’t know much better. How many of you are aware that content layout follows this same type of behavior? You can have the best content in the world, but it doesn’t matter if you make it impossible to find and hard to read. People will just “drive right by”.

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The Success of Organic Landing Pages

26. June 2008

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Regardless of whether you are launching a new website or a proven website, it is always adviseable to use organic landing pages. Organic landing pages is a search engine marketing technique that will get traffic to your site without you having to pay for it. Organic landing pages are used particularly for search engine optimization for a specific keyword. There is ample debate whether your landing page should be written for the interest of the human reader or for the search engine spyders, who in turn provide you with your page ranking and indexing. Higher page rank and better indexing means more traffic, more traffic means more sales. The answer, however, is quite simple. With some ingenuity as well as well placed words, it can be done quite well for both the human eyes and the spyders. Understanding that the google algorithym will penalize you for landing pages solely for the purpose of attracting spyders with no relevant content for the readers. Its time to have content that is not only relevant, but powerful enough to capture the human and the spyder. If your content is good, the humans will find you, and if the humans find you the spyders will come.

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B2B Marketers – SEO and SEM are Vital to Your Continued Success.

18. December 2007

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Realizing that most of the web traffic from B2B participants is due to search engine optimization, it pays to spend the time and money needed in your B2B marketing. Great value is derived when search engine optimization is geared not only to the consumer, but to the world of B2B.

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