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Google Love Through Googling: How Much Effect Does it Have?

15. March 2010

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Can getting people to Google your business name really increase your Google ranking? In the ever-evolving web, that seems to be a growing trend, though many experts would still argue that it won't do much to up your rankings. Like anything relying on Google’s "recipes," it is anyone's guess, but nothing makes a guess like the power of person experience.

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Bing, Yahoo and You: What Every SEO Professional Needs to Know About the Partnership

4. August 2009

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Microsoft’s Bing will soon be powering the search results behind Yahoo – a move that is expected to give Bing roughly 23% of the search market. As an SEO professional you are probably wondering what this means for the SEO marketplace and how it will affect both you and your clients. The good news is that those of you that practice standard SEO techniques should be fine. The rest of you… well, you might want to read on.

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Query Deserves Freshness – QDF

2. April 2009

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Just when you thought you were safe from the world of SEO acronyms comes another one – QDF, or Query Deserves Freshness. This one is brought to us by Google and it is a part of the Google search algorithm to help it determine which queries (not all!) should be updated to include new content because the subject matter of the search is changing rapidly. In other words, the searches want to deliver the freshest material first instead of older material which may not contain relevant information. You can think about the election of Barack Obama as an example of this – queries for Obama today will return news articles and information about the White House and his presidency, versus queries from a year ago that would have returned totally different results for the most part.

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Page-Level Ranking Penalties on the Rise from Google?

31. March 2009

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It can be frustrating trying to track down why suddenly a page (or even an entire site) that ranked well falls in the rankings or worse yet drops off Google’s radar completely. Is it because a competitor has done a better job, because Google changed their search algorithm yet again, or because you have been given a penalty by Google? Lately it seems the answer to this question has all too often been the third choice – and today I’m here to talk a little bit about what we are seeing and how as an SEO professional you can be prepared and try and take action before it hits.

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Google Changing the Game With Search Wiki

18. March 2009

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Just when you thought you had finally mastered the SEO tricks and were skilled at getting your results to rank well on Google they go and throw another wrench in the works. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Google Personalized Search (also known as Google Search Wiki) and how it has the potential to change the world of SEO yet again.

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Google Japan Punished by Using Pay Per Post Practices

12. February 2009

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Hello Fellows, Recently Google Japan launched a new home page where it was promoting a list with the most searched terms typed on its search engine. It´s a kind of "HotWords" also found on Twitter. Accordantly with TechCrunch, that new service has been already available to include in the iGoogle page of any user. The big trouble arose when Google Japan decided hire an online marketing company, Cyberbuzz, to promote that new tool, already available as a widget to webmasters, through pay-per-posts.

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Video SEO: Optimizing For Rank

5. February 2009

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It’s no secret that the web is more than just text and pictures anymore – video and rich multimedia content are is part of what is defining Web 2.0 and beyond. The problem is we all know how to apply SEO techniques for text and images, but how do we make sure that our videos are ranking high? Today we’ll talk a bit about SEO for video and how to make sure you get the links, the rank and the views.

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Google – Innovator or Innovation Killer

16. December 2008

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Let’s be honest – every time we are talking to people about SEO or search engines we don’t say “search engine” or “Yahoo” or anything else; we refer to search as “Google” as if there was only one search engine in the world. With over 63% of the market share it’s no reason why Google has become a synonym for search engine – they practically own the entire market. Yet is it good that one company owns most of the market for search? Are we losing out on innovation and a balanced marketplace since there is no real competition to Google? And, finally, why should an SEO company care?

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Rumors of the Death of SEO Have Been Widely Exaggerated

28. November 2008

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Tweet So how many of us hang onto Google’s every word? When we wake up in the morning and Google had made a change, however slight, how often do we run around thinking the sky is falling and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) world as we know it has come to an end? If this […]

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5 Simple Steps to Increase your Google Page Rank

30. June 2008

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Believe it or not, Google page rank is based solely on back links. Back links are the links that point to your website from another website, so naturally the more back links you have, the higher you’re PR ratings, and your Google ratings are soon to follow.

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